3D Boxes Effect

I made this litebox effect. (Not so sure about the terminology, maybe if someone can help me with the keywords.) Here is a link to the website where it was used.

ActionScript 3.0

Demo: termvader.github.io/3d-boxes-effect-as3/

Source: github.com/termvader/3d-boxes-effect-as3


I have ported it to Javascript as well using Three.js and GreenSock Animation Platform

Demo: termvader.github.io/3d-boxes-effect-three.js/

Source: github.com/termvader/3d-boxes-effect-three.js

I wanted to work on this, making it more generic and easy to use. But now I think I might never get the time to do so. Hopefully the code is easy to understand, I can help if someone wishes to use it in their project.