Check out the source of this website, repositories and other files.
So finally I think I am close to a completion at modifying the design of this site. I have two repositories related to it. One is the jekyll source which is Basically I am using plugins to generate pages related to the tags and categories, hence I cannot directly upload on repo, which btw is
This website is inspired and sort of modified from David Ensinger’s website which can be found here: and the github repo for the source is available over here:
I have made some few changes from David’s source, - Made different files for categories and tags pages to seperate stuff. - Added a Build.bat file to build from Windows. (If you are using Mac or Linux, you can check out David’s Rake file and his awesome post explaining it here)
If you are developing your own site by forking from mine, please change the logo.
And finally, to all my department mates,
Feel free to contact me in case you are finding any difficulty.